
July 2024. Group picture.

May 2024. We hosted an interactive hands-on station during the Long Night of Research 2024, where we showed people how the 1st Prussian Blue can be synthesized. Children could use Prussian Blue to paint and also reproduce molecular models of Prussian Blue analogs.

July 2023. NaNaX10: science…and fun.

March 2023. Our group potluck: Everyone brought a dish from their home country and we tasted a variety of tasty food from Argentina, Austria, Barbados, China, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Korea, Slovenia, Spain and USA. We really enjoyed the time spent together!


February 2023. Group picture.


August 2022. We had a lot of fun during Cheng’s leaving party sharing pizzas and playing games. Cheng, you will be greatly missed!


May 2022. We really had a great time at the Long Night of Research 2022. We hosted a slime-making station, explaining the chemical process behind the manufacturing of the sought-after toy.


May 2022. Enjoying a homemade pizza party before Marios leaves the group. Marios, you will be missed!


September 2021. We move to our new laboratory. This was crazy. We have first to disassemble our big equipment, pack it carefully and then move to the chemistry building. Once there, unpacking and re-assembling started. Our next challenge is that everything works again as soon as possible. Finger crossed the new building behaves properly.


August 2021. Let’s go bowling before Anna, Liu and Sergi leave the group. You all will be greatly missed!


July 2021. Enjoying the summer with a barbecue and a ping-pong tournament.


Group picture June 2021



Group picture January 2020


Group picture during our first retreat. September 2019


First group picture is up! Summer 2019


Our first JACS front cover. We hope is not the last.

Our first Christmas party. We went to the Christmas market in Klosterneuburg, December 2018