JULY 15, 2022
We’ve just got a ZEM-3 to measure up to 1100 C. Measurements are already running! We received our new glovebox. We will use it for measuring transport properties on semiconductor thin films. We are already setting up all the equipment inside. Measurements will come soon!
JANUARY 25, 2022
We received our new glovebox. We will use it for measuring transport properties on semiconductor thin films. We are already setting up all the equipment inside. Measurements will come soon!
JANUARY 24, 2022
Our device for measuring the efficiency of thermoelectric devices has finally arrived after some delays. Everything is set up and we got trained. Now we are very impatient to start doing measurements with it!
JANUARY 10, 2022
Some work is currently being done in the lab. We had some problems with the new fumehoods and they need it to be replaced. We are looking forward to finally having the lab fully functional and going back to our full capacity of experiments
SEPTEMBER 02, 2021
Our new hall system to measure carrier concentrations and mobilities up to 1000 K has been installed in the new lab. Exciting times are coming! Next week, we will transfer the whole lab to the new building. Hopefully everything goes smoothly.
JUNE 29, 2021
We are really excited about moving in our new Lab. Final adjustments are in progress now and we plan to work there beginning of September. Our new lab looks really nice, we are looking forward to the new building as we will have more fume hoods.
AUGUST 20, 2020
We could visit the inside of the new lab. There has been quite some progress. We expect to move in by June next year.
MARCH 10, 2020
As crazy as it may sound, we are planning to move next year. The lab building 5 dedicated to Chemistry is currently under construction and we have been designing our new lab there. While we are very happy with our current lab, we are looking forward to the new building as we will have more fume hoods.
The ICP-OES has been installed. We are still trying to figure out the proper way to prepare our digestions and measure accurately our nanomaterials compositions from nanoparticles to nanostructured pellets.
JULY 2019
We finally got the X-ray diffraction system with a temperature chamber to measure up to 900 C.
JUNE 3, 2019
Hall measurement system is here and running.

MAY 2, 2019
Our system to measure the thermoelectric properties in thin films is finally done and getting ready to be used. Soon the lab will be complete!

APRIL 25, 2019
The big glovebox system is in the lab and currently being installed. We can’t be happier to have it already here. We are looking forward to start all our experiments there!
FEBRUARY 06, 2019
Our equipment to characterize the thermometric properties has arrived. Now getting trained!
FEBRUARY 04, 2019
Currently installing our Spark Plasma Sintering instrument

DECEMBER 20, 2018
The small glovebox has been installed

Fume hoods are almost finished

SEPTEMBER 21, 2018
Our first delivery arrived

The construction has started
Construction starts
Planning the laboratory

Empty room